We're very pleased to announce that the NSHCS will be launching the curriculum for the STP Neurophysiology Intraoperative Neuromonitoring pathway with a webinar on the 14th June at 12.30.
Full details of the webinar are on their website: https://nshcs.hee.nhs.uk/events/introducing-the-stp-in-neurophysiology-interoperative-neuromonitoring-ionm/
The expression of interest to host an STP trainee in all specialties including the new IONM is expected to be circulated shortly after this date. In the webinar our colleagues will talk through what you need to do to host a trainee. The webinar will be recorded and available on the School website after the event.
National School of Healthcare Science
NHS England
Email: england.nshcs.curriculum@nhs.net
Address: 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham, B2 4BH
Website: www.nshcs.hee.nhs.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nshcs